CVMS PLC OFFICERS 2015-2016 year
President- Emily Chlumak
Vice President- Kelly Moen
Secretary- Vanessa Zimmerman
Treasurer- Beth Staats & Kim Doades
Volunteer Coordinator- Jill Anderson
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be be the Chehalem Valley Middle School Parent Leadership Council, hereinafter referred to as the PLC.
Section 2. Description. The PLC is an organization that exists for the charitable and educational purposes.
Section 3. Purpose. The purpose of the PLC is to promote the education and welfare of the students of Chehalem Valley Middle School in their homes, their school, and their community. The PLC will conduct all business in order to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of our student population, and to facilitate communication between the home and the school. Finally, the PLC will develop, between educators and the general public, such united efforts that will equally secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, and social education.
Section 1. Membership. Any parent, guardian, or adult acting in loco parentis of students enrolled at Chehalem Valley Middle School and all school staff may be voting members of the PLC.
Section 2. Dues. No dues shall be collected.
Section 1. Officers. The PLC Officers shall be the President, Vice President, or two Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Volunteer Coordinator, who together shall comprise the Executive Committee. At minimum, the Executive Committee must have a President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. Nominations & Elections. Elections of the officers will be held annually at a regular membership meeting no later than May. A nominating committee of no less than three persons can be used in the election process. The nominating committee shall select a candidate for each office and present the slate at the elections. At that meeting, nominations may also be made from the floor. Voting shall be by voice if a candidate is running unopposed. If more than one candidate is nominated for a position, a ballot vote shall be taken.
Section 3. Eligibility. Any member is eligible for office, provided he/she is not a staff member at Chehalem Valley School District, and/or has no conflict of interest while serving.
Section 4. Terms of Office. New officers shall be installed at the last meeting of the school year and shall assume duties at that time for a period of one year, or until their successors are elected and installed. Old officers will acquaint new officers with their duties at this time also. An officer may continue in their position if a replacement cannot be found. However, no person shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 5. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the Executive Committee occurring during the term shall be filled by the majority vote of the general membership at a regular or special meeting, assuming quorum and sufficient notice of meeting has been given. A vacancy in the office of President will be filled by the Vice or Co-President. A new Vice or Co-President will then be installed by vote at the next membership meeting.
Section 6. Removal from Office. Officers can be removed from office with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of those present, assuming quorum, at a regular or special meeting where previous notice has been given.
Section 1. Duties of ALL Officers:
- Attend all Executive, Membership, and other required meetings. Make necessary arrangements and inform President if unable to do so.
- Transact necessary business between scheduled meetings.
- Provide signature and approval of all business conducted by PLC as necessary – including vouchers, grant requests, checks, deposits, etc.
- Advocate for the best interest of students at CVMS.
- Approve the plans or work of appointed committees. Report plans or work to Executive Committee regularly at meetings, or via written communication.
- Prepare and submit financial goals for the fiscal year to be approved of by the membership. Refer to goals regularly throughout the year and conduct business accordingly. Communicate any changes to or deviations from these goals to the Executive Committee and membership as soon as possible.
- Approve by signature or written communication payment of any routine bills under your area of responsibility.
- Represent CVMS PLC at all times, especially when on school grounds and while attending any school related activity.
Section 2. Duties of President:
- Presides over meetings including creation of agenda, call to order, sustain order, explain and decide all questions of order, receive all communications, appoint committees, state all motions, put all questions and motions to vote and give results, abstain from voting unless necessary to decide a tie vote.
- Keeps track of all business conducted during meetings and who is responsible for tasks. Follows up on all business.
- Keeps parents, teachers, principal, and community apprised of PLC activities and acts as liaison between them.
- Provide signature as necessary, and provide final approval of all business conducted by PLC.
- Serve as primary contact for the Principal, and ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
Section 3. Duties of Vice President or Co-President:
- Collaborates with and supports President in all duties.
- Fulfills duties of President in his/her absence or inability to serve.
- Serve as Acting Board Member, act as liaison between Committee Chairs and Board.
- Serves as Grant Committee Chairperson. Keep track of all grant requests. Communicate approval/disapproval of grants to requesting parties.
Section 4. Duties of Secretary:
- Keeps written records and presents minutes of all meetings of the PLC.
- Keeps an updated copy of the Bylaws and legal documents. Update forms and documents as needed.
- Assist President in keeping track of all business conducted during meetings and who is responsible for tasks. Remind those responsible of business and tasks to be done.
- Shall be responsible for correspondence and communication to the members.
- Shall ensure that all notices are given in accordance with these Bylaws.
- Provides an electronic copy of the minutes to the school webmaster and/or highlights of minutes for school publications.
Section 5. Duties of Treasurer:
- Keeps records of all receipts and disbursements of monies. Keep a running total of account balance. Maintains budget and presents updates at each meeting.
- Coordinates with all Committees and Board Members to make deposits, and pays bills and reimbursements as needed.
- Maintains all financial records, prepares financial reports on a monthly basis and with a final financial report at the close of the school year, and makes financial reports available to PLC.
- Assists Committees with budget reports as needed.
- Shall comply with all applicable regulations, laws, and procedures to maintain tax-exempt status for organization.
- Shall coordinate the annual audit and all necessary tax returns and documents with the auditor.
Section 6. Duties of Volunteer Coordinator:
- Create, maintain, and distribute volunteer forms and/or other means of recruiting volunteers.
- Coordinate and collaborate with staff, parents, and Executive Committee to provide volunteers for all events and programs as needed.
- Follow up with staff, parents, and Executive Committee after events and programs to see effectiveness of volunteers, how volunteers were treated, and any changes in staffing of volunteers for same events in the future.
- Recognize and thank volunteers after events and programs.
Section 1. Membership. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, any Standing Committee Chairs, including but without limitation: After School Store, 5K Run With the Wolves, Fundraising Activities, Magazine Drive, Communications, Yearbook, and Marketing. It may also consist of staff or parent liaisons, or other persons appointed by the President serving on a temporary or permanent basis.
Section 2. Description. The Board of Directors is the policy-making body and may exercise all the powers and authority granted to the organization by law and by the membership. The Board shall comply with all applicable regulations, laws, and procedures to maintain tax-exempt status for the organization.
Section 3. Duties. The duties of the Board of Directors are to transact business between meetings, create standing rules and policies, create standing and temporary committees, prepare and submit a budget to the membership, approve routine bills, and prepare reports and recommendations for the membership.
Section 4. Meetings. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be regular throughout the school year, preferably on a monthly basis at a regular day and time. Special meetings can be called by any two Board members, with 24 hours notice.
Section 5. Quorum. Half the number of filled positions or offices of the Board of Directors plus one constitutes quorum. Quorum is required to transact business during meetings. Any shared or co- positions shall be considered one for purposes of quorum, and only allowed one vote or ballot for business conducted by the Board.
Section 1. Duties. Committee Chairs shall keep a procedure book or file detailing activities, responsibilities, and expenses. A financial report shall be made after each event involving the exchange of money. This report will be given to the Treasurer, the Board of Directors, or the membership at any meeting. Any flyers, publicity, or communications outside the meetings should be cleared by the Board of Directors prior to being distributed.
Section 2. Meetings. Committee meetings shall be called by the Committee Chair and shall meet as often as is necessary to carry out their functions. The Committee Chair shall provide the PLC President or Vice President with periodic status updates.
Section 1. General Membership Meetings. Membership meetings of the PLC shall be held monthly from September through May of the school year regularly at a designated day and time. All general meetings shall be open to interested parties.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President, any two members of the Board of Directors, or five general members submitting a written request.
Section 3. Quorum The quorum shall be 8 members of the organization. Quorum is required for action to be taken by the organization. Votes may be submitted in writing or via email to the PLC President or Vice President by noon on the day of the meeting. Any members in shared offices or co- positions can be counted individually when casting votes or ballots on business conducted at a general membership or special meeting.
Section 4. Notice. Members hall be notified of all upcoming General or special meetings through either the school website or through written and/or electronic notice distributed to all families and staff. Notice should be at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
Section 1. Budget. A tentative budget shall be drafted in the fall annually at a general meeting, and approved by vote, assuming quorum. At the first regular meeting of the school year a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year shall be presented and approved by vote. The budget shall be used to guide the activities of the PLC during the year.
Section 2. Contracts. The Executive Committee is authorized to enter into contracts or agreements for the purchase of materials or services on behalf of the Organization as long as the contracts and agreements comply with applicable regulations, laws, and procedures to maintain tax-exempt status for the Organization.
Section 3. Signers. The PLC shall establish one or more accounts in financial institutions as determined by the Executive Committee. Two authorized signatures shall be required on each check, voucher, or expense. Authorized signers shall be the President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
Section 4. Audit. The Executive Committee shall conduct an external review and shall have the final Treasurer’s report and the accounts examined annually by a non-member accounting specialist who, if satisfied that the Treasurer’s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of fact at the end of the report.
Section 5. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of this organization is August 1st through July 31st.
Section 1. Purpose. No Parent Leadership Council member shall make a personal profit from any fundraiser, event, or other activity associated with the PLC.
Section 2. Duty to Disclose. If any member of the PLC has a financial interest conflicting with the interest of the PLC that individual must bring the potential conflict to the attention of the Executive Committee and other committee involved, and refrain from deliberating or voting on any decision with respect to the matter.
Section 3. Violations. If the membership has reasonable cause to believe a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, the Board of Directors shall take appropriate and immediate disciplinary and corrective action.
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting, provided that previous notice was given in writing and assuming quorum.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings when they are not in conflict with these bylaws.
Standing rules shall be approved by the Executive Committee on an annual basis.
The PLC may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of the membership at any regular or special meeting, assuming previous 14 day notice is given.
These Bylaws were adopted by the Membership by a majority vote during a regular meeting properly called on 6/25/2014.
Signed: Kristin Masse, President
Attested: Stephanie Wiard, Secretary
UPDATED: 5-20-15